get to know me more 🤍

My yoga journey began 15 years ago by stumbling upon a GroupOn for hot yoga back in my hometown of Dunmore, PA. The artful disciple of breathing through those classes served as the solid foundation of my practice and helped me get through some very difficult times. I'll never forget staring at myself in the mirror as sweat dripped down my face and remembering my power... remembering that I can show up for ME and take my healing into my own hands. I was only 18 years old at the time and it was transformative. Then, only naturally as life went on I would go in + out of consistency with my practice - at times skipping many months or even years - but every time I returned, it felt like coming home. Throughout my 20's, I worked as a traveling RN and while doing so, explored yoga studios across the US. As I began expanding and learning various styles of yoga, my love and devotion for this ancient practice grew even stronger. I had always felt a deep calling in my heart to become an instructor, so in May of 2022 I embarked on a journey to Costa Rica for my YTT. The training helped deepen my connection, understanding and appreciation to the spiritual aspects of yoga and also weaved elements of shamanism into the program. I am now teaching as an independent contractor in Portland, OR and you can catch me at various studios, parks, event spaces, etc. What lights my heart up most is curating special classes and retreats. I love collaborating and combining forces with other practitioners to offer something beautiful to our community.  I love incorporating essential oils and ritual into my classes. I value inclusivity and providing as safe of a space as I possibly can. It's so important to me to stay humble and encourage folks to always remember the cultural roots of the practice. While yoga is SO much more than the asanas (physical postures), I am honored to guide students to reconnect to the wisdom of their body using their breath as an anchor. --- I offer a variety of classes straight from my heart, from empowering Hatha and/or Vinyasa blends to gentle Yin/Restorative offerings and sometimes a balance of both (Yang/Yin).

ALL are welcome here - come as you are + join me on the mat to see if my teaching style feels good for you ♥︎

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve YOUR love and affection" - Buddha

Let's flow